Splitting Up won Tonya Cooper & Nancy Senior 1st place in the Technology section (yr 7 - 8).
Nancy and Tonya are 13 year olds from Bohally Intermediate, who got their idea for their technology design from Nancy's three year old cousin who was always changing her clothes because she was to hot or cold.
Their aim was to produce clothing that was easily changed, practical, and yet was still fashionable. They drafted their own pattern design, cut out and sewed up prototypes, then sewed on Velcro dots to hold the pieces of clothing together.
After trying different designs and materials and overcoming various problems they produced their finished outfit.
Tonya and Nancy are proud of their outfit and feel that it meets the needs they set out to achieve. A fashionable set of clothes that is easily interchanged and is practical to wear.
The girls got help from their mothers and a professional dressmaker.
Their helpful hint: "always get help if you are unsure how to go about making your design".